hi in this article I’ll be discussing actually how a medical abortion is done. If you are pregnant and if you do not want the pregnancy ideal situation you should discuss with a treating gynecologist. what is actually done in the procedure. I’ll be explaining you will be called by a gynecologist to an authorized ntp Center. once you are called to the authorized MTP Center you might be asked for your ID proof this ID proof is mandatory.
Because you should be above the age of 18 years your gynecologist will be calling you separately into her consultation chamber and she will be asking you certain questions such as
- when was your last date of period
- any previous medical history
- any drug allergies
- any kind of problem
you might have experienced in the past see the old idea of this consultation is to make your process of medical abortion easy to you as well as her. Your gynecologist will be advising an ultrasound before giving you the medical abortion pills the idea of doing an ultrasound is to see the age of the pregnancy as well as to see the location of the pregnancy
how to use abortion pills
It is important to see the location of pregnancy because in case the pregnancy is outside the uterus the management is completely different in dubai. The legal age for termination of pregnancy by pills is 9 weeks of pregnancy pills will be given under the supervision of a gynecologist and your gynecologist will be in touch with you throughout the procedure.
Side effects of abortion pills
So within 30 minutes to two hours after taking medicine you will start experiencing pain cramps. There might be lot of bleeding you might be passing fleshy mass per vagina along with clots and this procedure will be painful and for that we will give you medicine to reduce the pain.
But all this is normal and this is part of the procedure generally the bleeding stops within four to six hours after you pass that fleshy Mass from your vagina But bleeding or squatting might continue for another three to five days.
After abortion ultrasound report
we will call you for another ultrasound to check. whether your uterine cavity is empty or not this is very important because if there is any retained product of conception inside the uterine cavity there are high chances of infection in some patients the ultrasound might show that there is a retained product of conception which is a incomplete abortion so in that case you might be requiring suction and evacuation
This procedure should always be done under medical supervision of a gynecologist so that if there are any complications they can be managed accordingly having an unwanted pregnancy is a huge emotional mental and financial burden to the girl and to the people associated with her.
it is important that this procedure should be done in a safe and in a professional environment we see patients who take these bills in an unsupervised and an unauthorized way and end up to us with life-threatening complications in case you have any query related to medical abortion please feel free to contact our team of doctors at Saima’s Gynecology thank you.