Abortion pills in dubai

Abortion in dubai – Pills, Cost, Working & Alternatives

Pregnancy is the most beautiful thing in the world for every women. Its a dream for every women to get pregnant no matter its a baby girl or baby boy. But some time there is a most common issues while having pregnancy for example:

  • Life thretning issue

Some time your pregnancy got complcations and doctor recommended to get abort for saving mothers life.

  • Relationship issues (we are not supported this type of abortion)

If you having sex before marriage and girl got pregnant. They decide to abort their chiled.

  • Old age pregnancy

In a very old age women get pregnant and she does not contain their pregnancy and there is also a life thretning issue. Then doctor recommend to medical abortion.

There are two types of abortion

  • surgical abortion

Here we are talked about medical abortion. If you are decide to abort through medical abortion then you know about the abortion pills. Which type of pills you can use to terminate your pregnancy and also suits your body conditions.

There are some medical pills listed below you can use to terminate your pregnancy

  1. Cytotec
  2. mifegest kit
  3. Emergency contraceptive pills
  4. Gestapro kit
  5. ST MOM
  6. Breeky
  7. Ma kare

Whats we need to do before I take the abortion pill?

First you will meet your regular private doctor or nurse or gynacology center sattaf before you take a abortion pill. They will decide whether your abortion is a perfect decision for you and whats abortion options will be related to your body conditions. you will get some lab tests, body examination and ultrasounds which helps to determined the pregnancy conditions and time when you get pregnant.

Your doctor will tell you the recommended options and important steps you need to do to prepare for your abortion. They will give you the complete written instructions on how to take your pills and which pills suits your body according to your condition. You will have to note down your doctor or support team numbers where you can call 24/7.

After you take a second medicine You will have a lots of bleedings and crampings, So make sure you can be at home or a comfortable place which you can easily spend these days. Also there is a person with you 24/7 which you can trust.

You must have stocks of some books, Foods, Pads and heating pads to spend your time easily in thses days without any stress. Also you have some pain releif medicine _ but not asprine because its bleed more.

Important tips during medication abortion

There are few steps for medication abortion process and include two different medicines.

  • Step No 1

you need to find a pill called mifepristone. Your pregnancy will stop growring after you take mifepristone pill. Most of the womens feel nauseous or start bleedings after taking mifepristone but its not common. Your doctors will prescribed you some antibiotics to prevents infections.

  • Step No 2

Now you can take your second medicine called misoprostol. You can take your second medicine right away or upto 48 hours after you take your first pill. Best practice is you call your doctor and ask him when you can take the second medicine after take the first pill. This medicine also give some cramping and bleedings to empaty your uterus.

Dont be panic if The cramping and bleeding will start 1 to 4 hours aftar taking misoprostol its a regular procedure. Most of the people its normal to see large blood clots (up to the size of a lemon) or clumps of tissues when its happening. Its like a very heavy cramping periods and the whole process is a very similar an early pregnancy.

You may feel cramping and bleeding for several hours. Some people have strong body strenght they may finish passing the pregnancy tissues in 4 to 5 hours, But it may take longer. After the cramping tissues comes out you feel better cramping and bleeding also slow down.You may feel this pain 1 to 2 days.

If you feel extra pain then you can take pain killer like ibuprofen about 30 minuts before you take the second medicines, misoprostol, to help with cramps. you can also take anti-nausea medicines which your doctor prescribed you. Remember dont take aspirin during bleeding because it can make you bleed more.

If you have some bleeding or spottings after several weeks after your abortion then dont be panic its normal. You can use pads, tampons, or whatever’s the most comfortable for you for your abortion durations. But doctors recommneded to use pads for the first few days to track how much you are bleedings.

  • Final steps

The final step is to follow p your doctors after this whole procedure. You may go back to your abortion center for an ulrasounds or blood tests. To make sure that the abortion worked and that you are mentaly fit and healthy.

Most of the case that the abortion doe’s not work and you are still pregnant. In that case your doctor may refer you to get abort in the presense of your doctor or in-clinic procedure to complete the abortion.

Cost of medication abortions

The cost of medication abortion in the United arab emirates. can differ significantly depending on state, clinic, and insurance involvement. They are typically priced between $300 and $800. So this is the eyebrow tint and eyelash tinting price breakdown of what different things might factor into the cost?

  • Location: Because these provisions make it too expensive to operate a clinic, one or more states with the most restrictive abortion laws may see their last clinics close.
  • Provider: Private clinics are likely more expensive, whereas non-profit providers like abortionpillsuae have lower costs.
  • Medical: Some medical plans will cover the abortion cost.
  • Support with Money: Some groups give cash to spend on an abortion.

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